There are several items to configure before your kiosk is ready to process transactions. The image below presents a good visual for the set-up items you will need to complete.
In general, kiosk set-up from start to finish involves the following steps:
- Create a Theme. This is the look and feel of your kiosk. Configure Themes under Kiosks > Themes.
- Create Kiosk Products via Kiosks > Products. This is essentially a library of products (programs, memberships, designations, combinations) that you would like to be available to add to your kiosks for purchase. Creating a product does not automatically add the product to a kiosk.
- Create a Template via Kiosks > Templates. In Template settings, you will decide which Products you would like available on the kiosk. You will also set other configuration items such as the Announcement Page and receipts.
- Create a Schedule via Kiosks > Schedules. On the schedule, you will set the weekdays and times to display your theme(s) and template(s).
- Assign the Schedule to a specific kiosk via Kiosks > Kiosk List.